Workamping is a great way to travel and work, especially for full-time RVers. The jobs are temporary, allowing workampers to explore the local area and then move on to a new position and location. Many work camping jobs are part-time, which allows plenty of time for touring and adventures.
As the RV work camping jobs include campsites as part of the compensation, workamping can be a great way to save money on your travels. However, workamping wages are not high, most are at or not far above minimum wage, so if your goal is to find a job with increased earning potential, workamping may not be the best choice. For this reason, many workampers supplement their income with remote work or another local job. For example, one partner in a traveling couple may work remotely, while the other work camps.
Workampers often credit the sense of community as they travel and meet other workampers as a significant job benefit. It’s a perk for Jason Betzing, a veteran workamper. He says, “fulfillment is sometimes a hard thing to find. I find that helping fellow campers and visitors have a great experience or a small business be successful is truly rewarding, fun, and a worthwhile use of my time that’s also mutually beneficial.”
When to apply for work camping jobs
“If you think it’s too early to start looking for a work camping job, it’s probably not,” says experienced workamper Josh Fuss. “If you want to start work camping in the next few years, start looking at the jobs available now to get a feel for what’s out there. Nine months ahead of time is not too early to start applying for work camping gigs.”
If you want to work camp, start researching now. Give yourself time to see the kinds of work camping jobs out there in each season. Dependent on the job, you will want to apply 2-9 months in advance, so the employer has time to select candidates and plan their staffing.
Websites to find workamper and RV work camping jobs
There are many resources and websites to learn about, see, and apply to workamper jobs.
A popular subscription-based website includes a job board and a forum where workampers can connect and ask questions. Be sure to sign up for their Workamper News emails for job alerts and resources.
Josh Fuss recommends, “CoolWorks is a great place to find jobs at parks, hotels, tour companies, or outfitters.” CoolWorks specifically designed the website for those seeking seasonal work in outdoors tourism.
This is a great website to search and filter camp host jobs listings. Workampers can also create a profile and connect with employers.

This website is a good resource for unpaid Workamper jobs that offer free campsites. Jason Betzing suggests, “Check and select ‘RV Pad’ in the filter to find jobs that offer RV sites.
Concessionaire Websites
These companies often manage the jobs and operations at national and state parks, venues, and events. Josh Fuss says the top concessionaires to check out include Aramark, Xantera, Delaware North, or Forever Resorts.
This government website offers a wide range of jobs, but there are listings for national park service jobs here.
State, County, and City Park Websites
Jason Betzing has a great tip for finding park RV work camping jobs, especially if there’s a specific area where you’d like to work. “Reach out to individual locations that interest you and ask if they have camp host opportunities,” he says. “If so, ask if you can send a resume. Maintain an updated generic resume you can quickly personalize for the job you are applying for.”
Amazon is one company that offers a workamper program. Josh Fuss suggests, “Amazon offers a great way to make some cash during the holiday shopping season as an Amazon Camperforce employee.”

Other sources for finding workamping jobs
Social Media
There are many Facebook groups and social media accounts about workamping. Workampers exchange job leads, application tips, and feedback about work experiences online.
Get involved with the workamping community. Those who have work camped for a while get most of their job leads by word of mouth. That was Josh Fuss’s experience with the community he met through Amazon CamperForce: “We had an awesome team of work campers, who have become close friends to us. Those friendships have also led to job referrals and connections for other gigs. Our next two jobs would come from recommendations from friends we made at Amazon.”
Attend workamper rendezvous or rallies to meet more people from the community and make connections.
Tips for your work camp job search
“The best advice I could give someone beginning their workamping journey is to do your research,” says Diana of @beerving_america. “Take the time to read park reviews on multiple platforms and ask lots of questions during your interview. I always write down questions I have prior to speaking to the park to make sure they are all answered via phone call or email before accepting a job.”
Workampers must keep an open mind. Josh Fuss’s most significant piece of advice is: “Be flexible. Every seasonal or work camping job comes with different salaries, perks, and opportunities. Be open to different kinds of work that you have never done before and be prepared for a shifting schedule.”
It’s essential to understand the kind of job you want, excel at, and meet your compensation needs. Diana cautions, “Not all workamping jobs are a good fit for everyone. Don’t feel you have to take every workamping job you’re offered, and you won’t be offered every job you interview for. You want to make sure the position is going to be the best fit at the time for you. Sometimes it takes a little trial and error to find what fits your personal needs.”

Learn more from our workamper experts
If you want to learn more about work camping, subscribe to Rootless Living. We regularly feature workamper resources and stories, as well as inspiration for your travels along the way. Also check out our sister RV magazine for even more helpful articles and tips.
This guide features advice from previous issues of Rootless Living. Subscribe to read the full articles, and check out our workcamping experts on social media:
Josh Fuss is a full-time RVer living in a truck camper with his wife, Amy Rupp, since May of 2019. You can follow Josh and Amy as they document their travels, work camping jobs, and life on the road on IG @chasingharley and on FB @chasingharleyblog.
Follow Diana and Alex’s travels and get even more workamping insights on their Instagram @beerving_america.
Jason Betzing and his wife sold it all to live their Full-Time RV dream and have been living Rootless for three years. He retired in Michigan at age 40, and they decided winter is a drag and travel is more fun than shoveling snow. He loves helping people by sharing authentic, first-hand experiences. Connect on Instagram @FullTimeFire or his blog at